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April 10, 2023 Ndine Ema Continues Campaigning For His Forth Coming EP

Ndine Emma a popular Zambian comedian continues to campaign for his coming EP(extended play) that will be released on the 15th of April 2023.He wrote;

“Oftentimes people question my position on various social matters; politics, religion, love and life in general. Whenever such questions are presented to me, I am restrained from bursting into impulsive elucidations to prevent confusing the questioner.”

He explained that it’s “For that reason on this incoming project, I have given my pensive melodious expressions on various affairs and if you open your mind up to take in these points I’ve enlightened, you might learn a thing or two from the little knowledge I have. But if you just hear without listening, your conclusion will be that THE BOY MUST BE CRAZY!”

There you go – official Cover Artwork as promised while we wait for the Extended Play to go live on the 15- 04 – 2023 World wide on all digital streaming platforms.Tell a friend to their friends.

You May Also Read Details Of Ndine Ema’s EP Here

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