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April 9, 2023 How to become a famous singer

Today millions of artists ,commedians and Djs all accross the globe want to be famous for singing good music liked by so many people and making a lot of money in the music industry but the reality to them is quiet disturbing becuase the matter of the fact is that a very few make it up to the top.

Most of the people today mistakes being a great singer with succeeding in music.Being a great singer is no guarantee of fame. Even after years of work, many singers still struggle to find the recognition they are looking for. Without a doubt, you’ll need plenty of hard work and dedication. There are also many things that you can do to help yourself become a famous singer.

In like manner,most people also concetrate working on vocal performance, image/art quality and songwriting thus people put all their energy in this and when they see that it’s not working they give up way too easily because they can’t find fame quickly.

To be generous,getting famous is far more involving than just writing music,having a good voacal ,being talented or anything like that.For this very reason there is no one way success in music but we have compiled a list of things that are critical in becoming famous and hope they will help you in your music journey.

How to become a famous singer
How to become a famous singer
How to become a famous singer

As earlier stated,there’s never any guarantee to become a famous singer. However, these 9 steps will only help you on your quest to fame.

1). Work on your vocal technique

It is pretty difficult to become a famous singer if you can’t sing well. If you can’t sing and do become famous for it then it will almost definitely be for the wrong reasons. This is why you need to start working on your vocal technique as soon as possible.

It is a good idea to get a vocal coach or get classically trained to help you become the best technical singer that you can be. This may not be an option for everyone but there are great videos online that can help train your technique.This might look like a useless idea but trust me,your melody will attract people but if its bad then no one will want to listen to your music anyway!.Your music will end with you and your friends if your melody can’t attract anyone.

It is also important to work out who your favourite singers are and find out the technique behind their voices. Being technically great is one thing. However, it is by finding your own unique sound and style of singing that will set you apart from the rest. If you sing just like a one popular artist the no one will definately take you serious because they will all think you are a photocopy,and who would want to have a photocopy music when they listen to the original artist? the answer is no one.

2). Sing and write amazing songs

The music industry revolves around the performance of songs because people are emotionally moved by great songwriting. A great singer without great songs to sing is like a great builder with no tools or materials and won’t be able to accomplish what they were born to do.

You should start learning covers by other great artists to understand how songs are written and structured and practice performing them. When you’re entering talent competitions, song choice is very important. You need to pull the judges and audience in straight away with your voice and also connect with what you’re singing.

Once you’ve learnt some covers and explored the process behind songwriting then start writing your own songs. Don’t expect hits to come out straight away. If you get into a habit of writing regularly by yourself and with others then you will only learn more and get better.

3). Become a great performer

You can be a great singer behind closed doors but you need to be just as good in front of others. Some people with great voices don’t know how to perform in front of a crowd and will never be famous because no one will know how good they are.

Being a great performer doesn’t mean you need to have a whole dance routine with lights and fireworks. Great performers can stun a whole audience with their presence through their talent and vulnerability on stage.

At the end of the day, famous singers are entertainers so you need to provide entertainment value for audiences. The most famous singers are those that can entertain crowds of thousands of people and this always comes down to their ability as a performer.

4). Believe you can be famous

Self-belief one one of the most critical approach if you would want to succeed in the music industry. You need to get used of being rejected at an early stage because almost everyone thinks that they are ready before they are. Your confidence is just as important as your voice because there are plenty of famous singers with more confidence than talent. Learn to be patient and tolerate all kinds of critism by taking it as a blessing.

Never let rejection knock your confidence though. If you use it as motivation to become better and more resilient then it will serve you well in the future across all aspects of your life.

To tell you the truth,most of the great singers today were rejected constantly when they started out. No one else would believe in them and some were even told that they would NEVER be famous. However, their belief in their self and their resilience after countless rejections is what proved their critics wrong and enabled them to handle the immense pressures of fame.As an upcoming artsit,you may think the world is all against you but if you have confidence in yourselfthen you will definately make it one day.

5). Own your look and style

If by any chance you are given any chance to perform on the stage,when you walk onto a stage, people will see you before they hear you. As a result, they will instantly form an idea and expectation about who you are as an artist without even hearing you sing. People always judge you by looks thus you must form a good look to shape your future fame.

It is a great idea to think about a distinctive visual style early on because this can really help audiences remember you and identify you as a performer. It will also help you translate your style to create stunning music videos further down the line. A unique look will also make you famous

Take note on what your favourite performers are wearing and learn basic style tips. Also, work out what colours and patterns you like and how you can integrate that into your style. Many artists are remembered for what they wear as much as their music so don’t take your look for granted.Rememebr don’be a photocopy,be unique!.

6). Know your core audience

This a very important approach in music,It won’t matter how good you or your songs are if you’re performing in front of the wrong crowd.

You can never be famous if you don’t know your core audience.Before you sing any song,you have to ask yourself a couple of questions like ;who am i singing this song for? Will my fans like this song? what impact will it create on my fans? what benefit will i get from the song?. The artists you like and songs that you enjoy singing will help you find out more about your potential audience. Try and find out more about who else enjoys the same things that you do.

Take note on what your favourite performers are wearing and learn basic style tips. Also, work out what colours and patterns you like and how you can integrate that into your style. Many artists are remembered for what they wear as much as their music so don’t take your look for granted.Rememebr don’be a photocopy,be unique!.

7). Get recording in the studio

You’ll be ready to get into the recording studio after you’ve built confidence as a singer and songwriter. Recording sessions are a very different experience compared to performing in front of an audience so give yourself some time to get used to it.

Recording studios will have engineers and producers that could really help you improve. Working with producers will give you a professional perspective and they could be connected with famous singers from previous work.You need to work hand in hand with them and sort out every differences that may occur during your production.A lot can happen during recordings ranging from crictism to the studio being over busy this and that but this shouldnt stop you from becoming who you want to become.

Great recordings are very important to help you build a larger audience. Whilst performance will build the buzz and your core audience, your records can be used to get on radio and Spotify to help bring in extra income and gain new fans across the world.

8). Make engaging videos

By now you should know that videos attract more attention than listen to music,and people like to watch more than reading thus its very important make videos of yourself showcasing your talent.

Very simple videos in your bedroom can be really effective in gaining attention but you can also be more creative with it. If you can engage with your fans and show off your personality through videos then you can effectively build an audience online.

If you have a great song and made a great recording, you might want to make a music video for it. Many artists have elevated their fame through great music videos and it can be a good opportunity to show off your confidence and style as an artist.

9). Build an influential network

If you are going to have any chance of being famous in the music industry then you need people who are active in it to get behind you. Actively building your network to meet influential people can bring you new opportunities and increase your chance of success.

There are a lot of people in the industry known as gatekeepers who are well connected to people that can help you become famous. These can be managers, lawyers or agents who really understand what it takes to be successful and can send you in the right direction.

Having someone influential that really believes in you can make a huge difference. They can offer a lot of guidance and enable you to progress more quickly than if you were trying to achieve fame by yourself.

To Sum it all ,Being a great singer is no guarantee of fame. Even after years of work, many singers still struggle to find the recognition they are looking for. Without a doubt, you’ll need plenty of hard work and dedication. There are also many things that you can do to help yourself become a famous singer and such includes,Working on your vocal technique,Sing and write amazing songs,dicovering your audience and among others.